of vials, closures and crimpers for GC, HPLC and headspace analysis as well as technique which is able to utilise small samples and low concentrations.
Settings for Alliance HPLC Vials and Low Volume Inserts (LVI) . Vials are available in three closure types: crimp, snap, and screw cap.
2ml sample vial are made of high quality borosilicic acid glass,low content of Our vials with caps are widely used in standard HPLC and GC applications.
CONTENTS. NEW PRODUCTS. PLASTIC VIALS. 2. GC SEPTA. 3. TOC VIALS blue screw caps 9-425 with mounted septa as listed below. WIDE OPENING VIALS. CAT.NO.
reliable results in GC, HPLC and headspace analyses. This is why our LABSOLUTE® portfolio offers a comprehensive collection of sample vials.
With standard borosilicate glass vials and inserts, aqueous sample caps offering assured quality and compatibility with many HPLC and GC autosamplers.
12x32mm laboratory HPLC vials graduated-HPLC Sample Vials2ml Hplc Vials - IndiaMART2mL Clear Glass 12x32mm Flat Base 9-425 Screw Thread Vial with with White
Jul 30, 2020 Aijiren's sample bottle with a 2 mL screw lid is made of type 1 borosilicat glass and has a low metal content to prevent the sample from ...
Our Aijiren Certified Vials and screw caps available in your choice of volumes low metal content, to protect your sample from destabilizing or leaching.
low potassium borosilicate glass, PET and HPDE, the WHEATON line of vials Choice of black phenolic or white polypropylene screw caps ... Pulp/Metal Foil.
Sample Vials and Accessories. [ For all ACQUITY UPLC, HPLC, and GC Systems ] Vials are available in three closure types: crimp, snap, and screw cap.
The cap is comparable to a standard screw cap but allows for sample filtration. vial inserts increase the depth of the sample within the vial. Vial inserts.
Caps, Low Volume Inserts, Vials, U-2D Micro-sampling System & Vial Accessories for HPLC and GC are found in this category.
sample vials, inserts, caps, and seals are guaranteed to ensure problem-free, Screw thread Verex vials and caps provide low evaporation and reusability.
0.8 mL vials using 8 mm crimp caps (171 vial tray) 10 mL screw top vial ... Compatible with most GC and HPLC autosamplers using 12 x 32 mm (1.8 mL) ...